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Improved Vampire's Servant that restore corpses


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I've searched for a mod that gives you a spell to restore damaged corpses that can't be reanimated but I didn't find it, if it already exists I would really appretiate if you could link it to me.

I would like to start over skyrim and play as a vampire necromancer, I have prepared a list of candidates that I want to make my permanent dead thralls (with mods I'll reach a total of 5 dead thralls), but unfortunately some of them can't be resurrected with dead thrall after their death and that's why I've been searching for a mod that allows me to restore their corpses.


Vampire's Servant is a power that can only be used once per day but on the other hand it is not that powerful, there are conjuration spells a lot stronger than this power that does not have any casting daily limit. I think that Vampire's Servant should be way stronger than it is in vanilla therefore it is a good candidate to be revamped adding this restore corpses ability.

- If casted on a charred or beheaded corpse, this revamped version of Vampire's Servant should restore that corpse as it was before being burnt or beheaded and then reanimate it. This should work on Astrid too, if casted on Astrid's charred body it must restore Astrid to her normal body and reanimate her.

- It would be a good idea to increase Vampire's Servant max level to 80 or 100 too (I know there are mods that already do this, but this is not the key feature I'm looking for)

- Optionally the time limit on the reanimation could be removed making Vampire's Servant an improved version of Dead Thrall that can only be used once per day


The main idea behind this revamp is to reanimate a damaged corpse (Astrid's for example) with Vampire's Servant so that it gets restored and then after Vampire's Servant expires, use Dead Thrall on his/her restored body and gain him/her as permanent thrall. It would also be useful if your precious and unique Dead Thrall is beheaded by an enemy, instead of reloading you could just cast Vampire's Servant on him to restore his body and put his head back to its place.

It would be even cooler if Vampire's Servant would work on Harkon and Miraak although I know these two would be quite hard to handle since they die in a unique way turning into a blood stain or an ash pile.


I have no idea if it is even possible to do a mod like this but I felt like asking it anyways hoping that it can be made and someone is interested in doing it.

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