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Searching 2 Mods


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im not sure if this is the matching thread so please move it if thats not the case.

Basically i´m searching for a Mod that makes my crosshair (i play in 3rd person) to be there where the game shows me it is. That means at the moment when im pointing on an objekt, eg. a piece of bread on an wooden plate, i take the thing which is near by (in this case the plate). If i want to pick up that objekt i have to aim about 0.5cm next to it. I hope you understand what i mean.


the second Mod is sth that enables the mobs to level higher than lvl 30. My friend told me they level with me until 30 then they stuck and in lategame he one-hits everything. I dont want a Mod that makes everything superstrong i just want sth that "continues the game mechanic"

I dont know if such Mods exist but when they do pls help me! I love this game and it would really piss me off if i get bored cause there is no challenge anymore!



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