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How do I edit randomly spawned workshop NPC's?


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I'm fairly new to modding, in fact I only watched like 45 mins of basic tutorials and messed around with the Creation Kit a little bit.

I'm not a native speaker so please excuse some mistakes.

I hope the topic title is not misleading, I wanted to choose a universal one. Plus I avoided forums until now so I have no idea how you guys handle things round here, please be gentle.


All I wanted to do is make it possible to send brahmin from one settlement to another like you can do with settlers.

So I found the NPC "workshopbrahmin" and tried to edit it. It had the "workshopnpcscript" so I opened that and set "bAllowMove" to true, since the documentation string said that would make it possible to move between settlements.

Thats about everything I did. I saved the .esp in the Data Folder and enabled it via Nexus Mod Manager but when I walk up to a Brahmin in game and open the workshop mode nothing has changed. There is no "Press R to Move" Dialoge or something like that.


What did I do wrong? Did I forget something?

Or does it only work for fresh spawned brahmin?


If it matters (because I saw that in some tutorials): When I open the Actor Window of the "workshopbrahmin" I can't edit much, the majority of boxes is grey and the Warnings Dialog says


"DEFAULT: Could not enable form editing on combo box."


I already heard that you can ignore the majority of these warnings but I thought I'd post it anyway in case it makes a difference.
Here's a screenshot of what I ment with the grey boxes:
Help would be much appreciated :*
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