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purchase house script


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Well you could make it a separate upgrade from the original. Such as put a book in a chest or something and make it out to be from one of the local merchants. That merchant can be designated in the book as the person contracted to add the decorations to your home since Skyrim has no merchants to contact to purchase the decorations like oblivion did, it would run with that theme. That merchant thought to offer you a special deal under the table on the house decor so go see him.


Buy the upgrade from him and the Jarl just lost out on some coin.


For where to place the book, well what room would the new upgrade be attached to? If its the bedroom put the book in a nightstand. this way the room the upgrade will be attached to will need to be upgraded before its available and no scripts to make that happen.

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Why use a book?


Let's say you're adding an upgrade to Breezehome, and you want Proventus Avenicci to sell it just like he sells all the other upgrades for Breezehome.


You can easily create a new quest that adds dialog to Avenicci without changing anything in any of the vanilla quests -- just make a quest alias that points to him and set up all the dialog as you would normally. Hook in the desired conditions (e.g. it'd be silly to buy upgrades before you've even bought the house!), add the relevant references and xmarker (initially disabled, of course!), and then attach the necessary Papyrus fragment to enable the xmarker when you buy that upgrade!


Of course, there's no reason you can't use other methods to upgrade your home -- if you like the idea of another merchant selling you house decorations under the table, there's nothing stopping you from doing that. My only point is that you can add your new upgrades to the existing upgrade-selling NPCs without changing any of the vanilla quests, reducing the risk of conflicting with another mod.

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Because the book adds more mystery and variety to the house purchase. going to the same tired NPC to buy another part... Naw kinda boring. a mysterious book offering to add even more upgrades? interesting.


Also by the time i am half done upgrading i want to kill them for saying the same lines over and over. new NPC, new Lines even if they just hand you a note and walk away and the note has the lines for utmost secrecy so they dont end up on the choppingblock for cheating the jarl out of coin..

Edited by jet4571
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Hey, whatever you want to do. I can certainly see the appeal in variety (*wrings Avenicci's scrawny, repetitive little neck*).


But maybe acidfrog would prefer Avenicci to sell his Breezehome upgrade, too -- all I'm doing is pointing out that you can use him to sell your upgrade right alongside all the others if you want to, without changing any vanilla quests.

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thanks for all the stuff, sorry for the delay i have had problem after problem with this thing but all is sorted now. i am directly modding the housepurchase mode under the decorate script which is fine because i will be maknig he only mod i need for breezehome.



im stuck on scripting the marker though i have managed to get all dialogue working fine but i am stuck on scripting at as the compiler doesnt accept my script which is basiclly


decoratemarker.enable() then adding propety but it wont let me get past the decoratemarker bit.


i have looked at your mod but it comes up as code not loaded

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You need to use a BSA extractor to pull out the script source files inside Dovahheim.bsa -- the CK doesn't look inside .bsa files.


What error are you getting? There's two things I can think of that could be your issue:

1) You didn't properly set up the property

2) You're trying to use it as an alias but didn't set up the alias (or forgot that you have to use the "alias_" prefix in your code)


Also, if you're using the alias method, remember that you have to use


because it's an alias, not a reference, and as such doesn't have the Enable() method. (Aliases do have a TryToEnable() method, but it's proved problematic for me, so I'd advise avoiding it and using this approach instead.)

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wow im so lost on scripting ok well i have set up the marker at the house.


under players dialogue where i ahve set up the extra options


i have set up getdisabled with reference.


then in script i have just written decoratemarker.enable()


just copied what the other have appeared to do

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