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Why is my Character always sad?


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Nobody? I think I've had this problem since day one and nobody else has it?


If someone could test their game... open up character creation the automatically enter with what you got, and see if they get the same expression. Just so I can know if the issue is isolated to me?

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That's pretty much it. Your character was, I suppose, mostly meant to be played in first-person view and therefore lacks expressions. There are some mods that help a bit, but the options for altering/adding e.g. lip shapes even statically are pretty lacking.
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  • 1 month later...

... And how do i fix it?



How she is supposed to look:




And in the next post (file size limit)..... How she looks after exiting Character creation.


I have the exact same problem. I want to fix it.


Are you using The ashen or Oriental beauty mod? Can you post your mod list, to compare and see the possible mod causing this.


I have heard that the face will always reset to sad face whenever you sprint.

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  • 4 years later...

i have the same problem i am not using any face beauty mod just enb. i dont know why it happened but i think it happened after changing my appearances at the ragged flagon

Wow. Blast from 2012.


This tool should fix the problem. Type mfg reset command to console to reset your character's expression.


Mfg Console by kapaer


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