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Does Interesting NPCs add a Dunmer girl looking for her father in Riften?


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The topic, basically. Ran into her when visiting Riften for the Rigmor of Bruma quest yesterday. When I attempted to talk to a merchant, the girl passed in front of me so I accidentaly talked to her instead. She said something like "Excuse me sera, did you see my Pa?" but I immediatly exited the conversation.

Shortly after I uninstalled RoB because I found it aggrovating in many ways I went back to Riften and talked to Olette who is also from Interesting NPCs. I then remembered the other girl and started looking for her all over town, without success though. Now it started to really bug me that I cant find her anymore. Looking up Interesting NPCs and its Wiki wasnt helpful either.

So does anyone know whether Interesting NPCs or some other mod added her and possibly where to find her?


Other mods that might be her origin are listed below:

TKMN (adds more children, but Im sure none of them was a Dumner in Riften)

Beyond Skyrim - Bruma (very unlikely the cause)

Mods uninstalled since then:

Rigmor of Bruma (very unlikely either)


I could post my load order but everything else I have are simply textures, weather, immersive armors, AFT and some player home stuff.

Thanks in advance for bothering with me being stupid.





Edited by ItsDaPervert
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Hmmm... But she spoke without that hilarious accent she normally has... And, the girl had a blue face. At that time I accidentaly installed Xvision instead of RS children which I normally use (dont ask why. I dont know either) which has no patch for Interesting NPCs so that might be another reason for me being tricked because I had RS children and its patch installed when I visited Riften again.

Thanks for the answer though. Will check that out with another character.

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