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Khajiit Housing


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Do we know what Khajiit houses look like? Or do they even live in houses? Are they totally nomadic tent dwellers? Do they live in deep dwellings in the desert similar to those North African dwellings that were in Star Wars?

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ESO has homes the players can purchase, there's a few Khajiit themed ones amongst the listings:










They all seem to share the same theme, so I'd take that as the common style for their homes in general.

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The ESO houses are pretty gawdy. Basically, if it can't outrun them, they paint it gold.


LOL! Good one. I took a look at the ESO houses and found them interesting. I've not been on ESO since shortly after they went active. Looks like they've come a long way since then. I may well reactivate my membership there. At my age, MMOs are a bit of a challenge. I'm just not fast enough on the keyboard and I really dislike letting down the side, particularly in BOSS action, or combat with hostile players. That's why I quit WOW after several years.


Anyway, thanks for the replies and information.

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