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Patrols not working and objects going invisible


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The title says it all really. Ive been setting up patrols as per the tutorial and they just wont work, they wont go to the patrol points and just stay where they are or go sit down. I did set patrol times, made the chain and everything. If anyone has a solution, help would be gggggrrrrreeeeeeeeeaaaaaattttttlllllllyyyy appreciated.


That being said, I also have a diferent issue. When im working in the world sometimes objects just disapear. This actually just happened to monster spawns ive created as well for the first time in a weeks worth of modding tonight. Any solution? I place an object, like the windhelm bridge or a tower, it shows up for a little while, and visually dissapears. I can click on it and the control box around it shows up, but thats it. Sometimes it can dissapear entirely but will show up ingame. And sometimes the objects that are there in the CK are no there in game o.o Help would be awesome, I can really use it. Thanks in advance!

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