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Elder Scrolls MMORPG?


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I agree, HandofBane. If indeed Bethesda has decided to venture out of the realm of single player - a realm where they are indeed the kings unopposed - and into the oversaturated MMO market, I can hope they have taken a hard look at the current MMO formula not as inspiration, but rather as a problem to be solved. The WoW clones are dying a slow and dreary, if inevitable, death. Even SWTOR has maintained little better than a 1:4 ratio of current players to initial subscribers. Terrible rates, especially given the years of development and budget spent on the game.


But perhaps Bethesda suspects the time is ripe for a true AAA competitor in the market. Perhaps they see how tired folks are of the regular MMO formula. How badly they want something new and different in the MMO arena. I believe Bethesda sees the writing on the wall: That the time has come for something new to dethrone the once-mighty, that only a new formula, a new style of MMO game play can deliver the knockout blow.


And they want to be the one to deliver that blow.


If Bethesda can maintain their current graphic fidelity, their large, open, exploration-friendly worlds, and a real-time, action combat system with real weapon hits and aiming required, they will deliver something all but unprecedented in the MMO market. And they will do it while maintaining all of the more enjoyable aspects of a single player game. If Bethesda can do this, they have a chance to sweep WoW under the rug and even steal away a number of subscribers from other MMO's along the way.


If, on the other hand, they developer another WoW clone, just in the TES universe, I think they might learn the hard way the same lessons companies like Bioware and Trion Worlds are just beginning to realize: Making a WoW clone is a good way to spend a lot of money in order for a short term gain and a longer-term loss of epic proportions. People are tired of the formula, they want something new and the first company to deliver that something, stands to make a lot of money.


I have to think that Bethesda knows this, and are preparing themselves to deliver.

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I for one, will be extremely pissed off if this is true.




It *May* be good if they return to morrowind-style stats, but I have a dark feeling I won't be seeing that.


Here's to hoping that we will still have Bethesda Game Studios developing TES6...*Raises glass in the air*

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I don't get it. I just don't get the fascination with MMOs. Yes, I've tried them and by tried them I mean tried them for a good 5-6 months, not 5-6 minutes. They were boring. They were full of unpleasant people being unpleasant to each other and being even more unpleasant to new players. The language from many players was disgusting (and I am most definitely not a prude). The 'quests' were boring step and fetch it kind of things. It was the first time I appreciated scaled monsters because you couldn't even really venture out into the wilderness without running into something too much for you to handle, especially at lower levels, and when the server was busy you had to wander far out to get away from everyone else all trying to do the same thing.


Although, to be fair, I guess part of it was my fault. MMOs do seem to be more geared toward group play and that's a problem for me because I can't commit to, for example, being available every evening from 6-9pm or even every second evening or even every weekend for a few hours. I have a life outside my apartment. Sometimes it's unpredictable. Sometimes things come up at the last moment and frankly if my choice for an evening is to go out and have a fun dinner with my friends or sit at home and play an MMO then it doesn't matter what I might have promised MMO people, my real life is going to win hands down every single time. That doesn't really make playing MMOs very easy.


I really want an MMO that is easy and accessible for solo players to use...... oh wait! Bethesda already have those! *runs off to play Skyrim some more*

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