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Cyborg settlers and npcs for robo/mecha-themed games


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So this has probably been brought up before but I also had a similar thought.


Android/humanoid robot npcs - the npcs will be human-looking (much like synths), but will have robotic voices like the ones from the Automatron workbench.


Some examples:


(1) Wintermute


- probably the best example; however a particular issue I (and others) experienced with Wintermute was that she can't be dismissed (or issues occur if she's dismissed)

- so imagine a Wintermute-esque npc that's NOT a companion, but rather a creatable or spawnable npc to become a settler

- and a lot of them can be created to fill up your settlements


(2) Spawnable Unique Settlers


- the settlers can be spawned via console and there are so many variations, however they are mostly humans/ghouls with the voices of those races

- so think of it as that mod plus android synth race and voices


(3) Workshop Synth Production


- another similar mod that adds npcs, however it seems there were some issues in the past

- the mod works by creating a scan of an npc, then copies that npc as a friendly synth version

- but of course, the method to use it is immersive and does take time; you'll spawn multiple copies of an npc, then change them into specific looks one by one to have that feel of having different androids in your settlement (not sure if you can change their names or if you need another mod for that)




So combining these ideas:


The mod will be either an inventory item (#1) or a workshop item (#3) that can spawn new npcs.


These npcs will be human-looking but will have the different types of robot voices from automatron.


They can also be pre-built and unique with their own id's (#2).


They can be assigned as regular settlers to settlements that have that tech/mecha feel to them.




But the biggest and most complete overhaul would be something like this:


(4) Cyborgs


That Robot Workbench you see there? You can only make robot pieces - sentrybot pieces, hydraulic parts, tank treads, etc.


What if you can make "human" parts?


Let's say you select the head part - you see the choices from Assaultrons, Protectrons, and so on... and then down below you see: "Female Human 1", "Female Human 2", "Female Human 3"... "Male Human 10", "Male Human 11"... and so on.


The same goes for the other body parts like torso, arms, legs.


You can have someone whose face, arms, and torso are all human parts - but the legs are tank treads! Wow!


I'm getting ahead of myself but yes, that's like the biggest and most complicated thing I guess.


I can see some issues though like say, it's considered a robot-race (because it uses the robot workbench), so how can you equip it with regular human clothing, right?


So I don't know - maybe another additional mod that adds more robot pieces per part, including the ones that are for humans.


ie. Robot Workbench > Left Arm > Human Female

Left Arm (armor/mod type) > choices of:

- Human Default (just a human arm)

- Human Scarred (scars on the arm)

- Human Burned (burn injuries)

- Human Exposed (meaning it's a human arm but opened up to show the robotic skeleton)


Something like that.






(1) Settlement Theme


I like having 'themed' settlements, and I'm sure a lot of players do as well.


For instance, The Castle would have all Minutemen-uniform/jumpsuit/hat wearing folks. They would look like grizzled combatants.


Boston Airport - BOS-equipped settlers.

The Slog - all ghouls.

Nordhagen and Egret Tours Marina - bikinis.


So settlements such as Graygarden and Mechanist Lair - I'd like these filled up with Handys, Automatron Robots, and of course... their "human caretakers".


The best I could do for now was just equip human caretakers with "Institute-themed" armor pieces - like Pampas/Fortaleza with the Institute textures applied, or Easygirl courser/synth jackets, or FV20/Fortaleza synth bodies.


But... there could be 'more'.


They talk like humans, but I'd prefer that they sound like robots because it adds to the immersion that I have robotic npcs handling a robotic-themed settlement.


(2) Mod Pieces


There are a ton of armor and clothing mods on the Nexus, many of which, look great on mecha-themed characters.


Fortaleza, FV20 Synth Armor, Eisen Plate, Nanosuit, Sirius, Augmentation, 'tech'-eyewear and so many more. Of course they're great on plain human characters (and the player character too), but to have them on robotic-sounding npcs just adds to the level of roleplaying and theming.


(3) Cooler Companions


Now imagine that you've already created your npc - it's human-looking, it's robot-sounding, it's got a ton of tech pieces equipped. Why not use a mod like AFT to manage it - and therefore turn it into a companion?


How about if we use the #4 example - Cyborgs - imagine adventuring with someone who looks like a regular human, but he's got an oversized cannon on the right hand, and walks on spider legs. Damn!


(4) Future Custom NPC Projects


And naturally, it can be a project undertaken by other modders who make awesome custom npcs - with voice acting, quests, perks, hell I dunno, even romance.



Let's say you've created that ideal cyborg/robo-themed npc, but you think - maybe I can do 'more' with this?


Use those tools to turn it into its own unique companion with every detail you can add. The best and most detailed custom companions right now are Ellen and Heather (quest line, perks, voice acting) - now imagine the same level of detail for a Terminator-esque or Adeptus Mechanicus-looking creation?




Well that's all. Hoping for something like this from all you epic creators out there. Cheers!

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