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[Request] Guide on generating .lip/.ltf files?


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I'll make it nice and short.


I'm making a few companions for Skyrim, but I can't abide how the mouths stay rigid and don't move when I'm making dialogue.


So! Are there any guides/tutorials on how to create a lip animation file without having a .wav file? I'm using .wav files that consist of silence for my dialogue (Don't want, nor need, VAs for what I'm doing) so generating the animations from an audio file is a dead-end.


Thanks in advance.

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All you have to do is copy .lip files that were generated for other voiced dialog. (Like the .lip files in vanilla Skyrim.) You can rename these copies to match the names of your current non-moving lip files. You delete the non-moving lip files and the computer uses the files with lip movement for your dialog.
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No. It will not be lip synched. It will be random and totally out of synch.


You did not clearly say that you wanted your lip movement to be properly synched to sound files you don't have.


Since this is the case, what you need to do is use your microphone and do the voice acting to match all your written text. Then you can go in and substitute silent dialog files for your voiced dialog files, one by one. But you can keep your .lip files which will be properly made for all those people out there who can read lips.

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