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frustraction with mods...making it better

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I just started to download and plug in mods for oblvion. i'm finding that some mods are just too badly designed to be fun. i was wondering how i could modify mods that i have downloaded... using the construction set obviously to make them alittle more playable.


i'm really just a perfectionist and find that one mode in particular (no names) has way to many enemies and loot to be fun.


I loaded it all up made the plug in my active file and found the cell with the offending creature or loot container. i deleted them and then tried to save. the thing is everytime i quit it askes me to save, i click 'yes' the window closes, then as i click to exit it askes me again if i would like to save!.


basically what i'm asking is is it possible to overwirite mods you have downloaded, is it possible to modify mods?


this is of course for personal use only, as i said i'm a serious pefectionist and have no intention of claiming other ppls work as my own. i can of course mention the mod if that helps but i don't see how. im sure the problem is im not to sure how to use the construction set yet. basically i think the creature although is not a boss creature, it may be connected to a quest and a warning that the creature is a refeence thats is connected to a quest form pops up whenever i delete it.

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Only load one mod at a time. Load the mod you want to alter as active. Make changes, click save.


Keep in mind, some "broken" mods are often because of how they're installed, or them having conflicts with other installed mods. If something is doing something that it doesn't mention in its description, check the comments of the mod to see if anyone else has reported similar issues.

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