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AI list order


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I saw in an online tutorial that the order in which you place your AI files matters to how the NPC does them. I currently have 4 default AI's in a custom NPC I made. Two default eat ones (defaulteateditorloc18X1 and defaulteateditorloc7X1, a default sleep one (defaultsleepeditorloc22X7), and a default sandbox one (defaultsandboxcurrentlocation1024). At the moment my order is like this...


Eat 18X1

Eat 7X1

Sleep 22X7




All the NPC will do it appears is stay pretty close to where I put him, and he will not eat or sleep when I told him. He also will not interact with ANY idle markers (2 sweep, 1 read) I have placed. Should I use a different sandbox AI or is my order borked? Also, the sandbox has an asterisk on it. I'm not sure what is up with that. Thanks in advance for any help.

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The ones on top would be any that are short term and overlap a long term AI pack. Sandbox is always on the bottom otherwise it will be the only one used.


Example would be if you have the 2 eat packages like you have and a work packages. the eat packages are the first and last hour of the work package. If you put the work package on top of the eat packages then the NPC will never use the eat ones. and that would be exactly how you have it set but missing the work one which is not needed unless the NPC has a job.


The sterisk on the sandbox means it is part of your mod and has been edited. did you use a default package or create a new one? Anyway i have a suggestion for you to use a better package than the default sandboxes and that is duplicate a marriagespoue****package. They go with each of the player houses for the spouse when you have them live there so replace the *** with a city. Once duplicated change the cell it is for to the one you want the NPC in and give that to the NPC where you have the sandbox and the NPC should function perfectly.



The defaultsandboxcurrentlocation1024 is not the one you really want to use too. you would use defaultsandboxeditorlocation1024

Edited by jet4571
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I guess I should have mentioned, the NPC in question is a Cook. I have him able to sell (merchant) food items. All that stuff works fine (the selling of stuff that is) but I want him to be able to do the day to day stuff (eat, sleep, interact with idle markers) as well. Is that possible for a "merchant" NPC?
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Yes it is very possible. I have a bartender/cook in one of my houses and he lives with the stable guy in another house. he uses the eat/sleep packages like you have setup, and a modified marriage package for sandbox at home. below the eat packages i have a patrol package that sends him to the main house where he stands behind the bar in one of 4 spots, leans against the bar. leans on a post, sweeps the floor behind the bar, and cooks a couple times a day. Once he finishes eating breakfast he heads to the main house and stays there for 8 hours following that patrol and then the dinner package kicks in and he goes home and eats dinner. after dinner he sandboxes inside his home for an hour then off to bed for the night.


for the patrol I have an xmarker heading red box thing that the patrol package links to. that marker links to one of the idle markers or furniture, and that one links to another until all the furniture/idles are making a circle so the patrol never ends. for each idle marker/furniture i set it for a random amount of time in the patrol tab like 45 seconds to stand behind the bar, and 60 leaning against the post. Its not random what he does but appears like it is unless you watch him.


The package itself has the same start hour as the breakfast package and ends when the dinner one kicks in so it is below those packages in the list. the sleep package i have also has the same hour as the breakfast so it is also below it. So far he is always on time for work and ready to sell me a mead except late nights and sundays and mondays which i gave him the day off lol.

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No worries.


For your cooks at work package if you do a patrol package like I did, you want the patrol idles to last about 2-3 minutes per cycle and furniture roughly the same but more idle markers than furniture. something like 1 idle, 1 furniture, 2 idles, 1 furniture, 2 idles, 1 furniture, 1 idle, circle is complete and starts a new cycle. thats 3 furniture and 6 idle markers. Enough time and activity so its not too obvious it is repetitive and a whole lot better than standing in the same exact spot all day long like Vanilla NPC's. most players wont pay attention to them past 2 to 3 minutes as well (excluding dialogue and trade).


If you do a blacksmith at some time, just use the work package and either set it for a cell if it is an indoor shop or place one of the marker heading red box thingamajigers in the middle of the shop area and set it for near that. Also always toss in some idle markers around the place. sweeping is good for a shop, a good shopkeeper keeps his shop clean. and outdoors the look far or just the plain idle works as well as him getting lazy and leaning against a wall or pillar.




For your original post, If you met the NPC before you gave them the AI packages use the resurrect console command on the NPC to reset there AI to the ESP and not the save file. Otherwise they will just stand around and do diddly squat.

Edited by jet4571
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