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Tanto and Wakizashi two sheaths on hip


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I have a character that is equipped with the Tanto and Wakizashi. The sheaths are both on the hip of my character at the same time and it looks ninja bad ass. Is this a glitch? If I switch the equipped weapon the sheath disappears and does not return when I re-equip it. I have a save of the 2 sheath "glitch?". I tried to take screen shots but I cannot find them or know if they were actually taken. Just Seeing if anyone else has had this happen. I am using more craftables, third era weapons, etc. I know there is not a mod for it specifically. So was this a glorious accident?


Sorry if you feel this does not belong here. I wasn't sure where to post this question.

Edited by Ewigleben14
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I guess it is a complicated glitch. I came across this on another post -


"For a dagger/sword dual sheath just find two of the same weapon for the left hand. I used the forsword sword. Enchant one of the swords, or both doesnt matter. equip the sword into your left hand, and the dagger in your right. now favorite both of the forsworn swords, and then unfavorite the one youre not going to be using just to keep your favorites tidy. Should show both weapons now. It also shows the weapon while a bow is equipped."


This is what I am assuming happened because it was after the process of equipping and "favoriting" my new crafted weapons.


Sorry I wasted space posting here, I thought it might have something to do with a certain combination of mods or something.

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