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Dovahcore Armour


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I know nothing of modding, but I like mods and I really like the Fall of the Space Core one. Yet, I have nothing to fit my funky space helmet.


Thus I would like one of you fine people to add the rest of the armour set to the game (no helmet needed thanks, but a fitting shield would be nice).


As for suggestion, I would add it to the Atronach Forge and each piece would require the correspondent Iron Armour Set equivalent and a piece of Moonstone Ore/Ingot, with the Space Core at its designated place.


As for a design suggestion, I would keep it as a cross from found "space core parts" and iron armour. This way the Gauntlets and the Boots would have a white metal plate (similar to the helmet) instead of the iron plate.... maybe some inspiration taken from the Portal 2 robots is needed...


Thank you all and please say something if you actually do it, I'll download it.

Edited by ManInBlackJames
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