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Pondering a "caravan champion."


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I've seen mods on the nexus that tweak caravan card player AI an decks.

So that leads me to believe it might be possible to create a truly talented computer opponent, or at least one that has a "killer deck." The internet is full of "this is a caravan deck that can't lose" deck build examples; I don't think any AI uses those examples.

Programmed right, a computer should be really, really strong against a human. (Maybe a robot player!) I'd even not mind one that could cheat a little bit, as long as it gave me a run for my caps. It's a shame I never ran into a caravan player NPC that could casually wreck me the way a chess program can. So is this even feasible, am I wasting my time looking into this? It seems like it should be possible if mods have successfully adjusted npc decks and caravan-playing AI.

Also on another note, I'd love to add an entirely new caravan deck to the game; maybe a New Reno or NCR deck, but it looks like it might be a tad more complicated than just sticking in some new textures; I'm not talking about a deck replacer here but one entirely new.

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