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Can't See Underwater


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to see underwater..


in file

"c:\Users\????\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\SkyrimPrefs.ini"





This also worked perfectly for me

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  • 2 months later...
Hey buddy. I had that problem, but I fixed it today. I downloaded the mod 'Green Water Fix' by AltheaR and put that at the top of my load order. Then I turned off my 'Better Underwater Sight - Clearer' mod from the steam workshop, and it works. I also had a 'Real Glaciers' mod from steam workshop, but it didn't matter if that was on or off. The water is now so clear it seems a bit wierd, but at least I can see now! :biggrin:
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  • 3 weeks later...

setfog does not work with this problem that was a result of updating skyrim


it only works if you had messed up the fog settings in the first place.


twr (togglewaterradius) does not work either


I've tried mwc/mws but am unsure just why they crash for me, maybe someone else will have more luck with them

mwc=modify water color

mws=modify water shader

no help was provided for these commands although the online wikis might shed some light on their usage..if anyone was successful in getting around this underwater bug please let us all know..

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was underwater, inside Reachwater Rock in my game, having this glitch with the water.


I quick saved and alt+tab to google about it, and after some search, i found about the

Green Water Fix mod that some of the pleople in this thread recommended.


I alt+tab to resume the game so i can quit and then install the mod, but the game had fixed itself (?!).

I can see normally in water now. Although i haven't confirmed it outside the dungeon yet.


I have the following stuff in my NMM plugins:

0 Skyrim

1 Update

2 Dawnguard

3 Werewolf Revert Form by RolandSir for Dawnguard

4 Werewolf Revert Form by RolandSir for Dawnguard (main file)

5 Dovahkiin's Hideout


So a first guess is that alt+tab fixes the problem :blink: :P

Edited by dov7gr
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  • 5 months later...

Try this, it worked for me.

Go to Documents\My games\Skyrim and open SkyrimPrefs.ini with a text editop (notepad).

Locate the [imagespace] tab, it is in line 49 for me, and set both iRadialBlurLevel and bDoDepthOfField to 0 (zero).

Voila !!!!

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  • 6 months later...
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