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Creation Kit Question


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I'm newer to modding and just got involved using the creation kit. I've got a lot of it down for the most part, but I can't figure out how to create a NPC in game who starts off dead. I have tried selecting actors with corpse in their ID and also selecting the "starts dead" tick but none of this is working for me. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
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The starts dead worked for me. i created a new NPC made his skin greyish colored. ticked starts dead then ran the havoc settle button and he dropped like a rock. shut havoc off, saved and entered the game and there his corpse was all grey and dead.


If you entered the game and met the NPC before you made them start as dead then you need to save outside the cell, close the game. load without the mod running and save again. then reload with the mod running. his being alive would be in the save file thus ignoring the esp changes.

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