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Skyrim crash at Dustman's Crypt


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I started the Companions quest line, and I got to the quest Proving Honor. I have beat the dungeon and picked up the fragment of Wuuthrad, but when i try to leave, the game crashes to desktop immediately. I have 56 mods at the moment, which i have used both Steam Workshop and Skyrim Nexus to install, but mostly Steam Workshop. I have my audio settings at the right level and i tried playing the game with mods that arent subscribed turned off because apparently that can help, but it has made no difference. I also tried playing without any mods at all turned on, and the game crashes as soon as i load (lol), although that isnt what im concerned abou.t I have only gotten a random crash 2 or 3 times before, I have also tried leaving my going back out the way i came and it still crashes. Does anyone know how i can fix this crash?


Also, Farkas kept on glitching whenever he would lose all his hp and fall down instead of getting back up, he would be able to talk and i could interact with him but his body was completely still and attempting to stand like he was in werewolf form.

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well i wrote a fairly long winded reply to this, sadly it has been lost as i clicked the reply button instead of the post button so here is a more digestible version

I would recommend turning off autosaves, i did this for my CTD ridden fallout 3 goty and it magically stopped all crashes, even the ones that happened when i was just wandering the wastes with nary an autosave necessary. My guess is something outside dustmans carin is using up a ton of cpu (warzones, random events, glitches, dragons, farkas being a moron, etc.) and considering the fact that autosaves use cpu which skyrim enjoys to guzzle and reduce to cinders, it is most likely to taxing on the resources at your disposal ( or skyrim has simply reached its limits due to its poor cpu optimization tho that is unlikely if not implausible) so deactivate autosaves of any kind for the time being and see if that helps, i'm abit of a computer noob so this is more a shot in the dark than anything but it never hurts to try.


expanding on the cpu overload theory i have, maybe turning down settings couldn't hurt as the hardware detection for skyrim is quite poor and the defaults tend to either be to taxing or if you have a high end pc, not taxing enough though i can hardly recommend increasing anything until the problem is resolved, hope this helps!



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  • 2 months later...

I have exactly the same issue. I'm now stuck in same area and cannot exit without game crashing. I turned off autosaves but no effect.


If any one have any more ideas what might be causing this, or other similiar problems please I could really use those.



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