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NMM only copies 0kb files into Skyrim folder


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i have a very specific problem and i try to describe it as good as possible. I think it has to do with the last big Windows 10 update a few days ago too, but this is just a suggestion, because i have no clue about deeper matter to this.


My Main harddrive C: is on my SSD, a Samsung 850 EVO 250gb. On this drive is Steam installed.

My Games drive G: a normal 2gb HDD from Seagate. I have my main steam games installation folder on it.

I have Skyrim and Fallout 4 installed on SSD because of a lot better performance and less loading times.


I install my mods for Skyrim with NMM mostly, and a few if needed manuel.

My mod storage folder is on G:.


Now my problem is as following.



My game was running fine, everything worked perfect. Right when i was playing Skyrim a few days ago, Win10 gave me a message, that there is the new creators update or something, it wants to be installed.

Because i had to go anyway, i saved my Skyrim play and allowed Win10 the update.

When i came back, starting my PC, Windows updated a few moments the new Version, restart, starting Skyrim and everything seemed fine.


After a few minutes, i wanted to quicksave and Skyrim CTD'd. After a lot of searching, i found out, that many files in my Skyrim folder where set to 0kb.

BUT, the only files affected where files in folders like "textures", "meshes", SkyProcPatcher and so on. Somehow ".esp" files and a few others, where not affected.

At first i thought It's NMM, because when i tried to reinstall those affected mods, NMM only installed the mentioned files with 0kb.

By advice from a nice member here in the forum, i copied the whole Skyrim folder out of my 'Programm86x' folder into a new location i called "Games C" on C:.


Out of total couriosity, every 0kb file turned into its normal form with its size it shoud be. I switchted the NMM mod installation folder to 'Games C/Skyrim' and isntalled without any problem the left few mods i deinstalled previously.

I started Skyrim and everything worked fine, i just mentioned a few pink and blue texture miss marks in two caves, but i wanted to play, wasn't anything importent, i could reinstall the missing textures later.


Then a few days later (now) i got a CTD on saving the game again. Out of nowhere, the exact same files in my Skyrim folder of textures, meshes, scripts and so on turned into 0kb files.

When i try to reinstall with NMM they again are just 0kb.

When i try to manually overwrite them out of the .rar files, their 0kb files.

But when i extract the files onto G: out of the .rar and overwrite them into the Skyrim after it, they turn into normal size.

When i extract the files into a differend location inbetween the Skyrim folder, like one folder up, they get the right size.

When i rename a folder created from NMM with '_' to the end, and create a new folder named the same manually (without _ on the end) + extracting files out of the .rar manually again, the files will be normal size, not 0kb.

If i now, delete my manually added folder, rename the original folder installed from NMM back to its origin, and extract again the exact same files manually out of the .rar into it, their again just 0kb files. (of course because it's the 'old' folder).


Something is wrong with all folders in my Skyrim folder, in connection to the files forseen to be in this specific folder, but ONLY created by NMM. What the actual heck can it be? This is not normal and i can't find a answer anywhere, i really need help please.

Reinstalling the whole thing would be brutal and will pretty sure end in the exact same result. Because folders get created by NMM.

I've given NMM administration rights on opening and Win8 compatibility. Wasn't needed before, but didn't changed anything too, so...

I reinstalled NMM, didn't change anything.

Checked my SSD and HDD, both are doing fine.

Edited by Mortadella
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Did a temporarily workaround.

I renamed all main folders inside the Data folder, created manually a matching pendant and copied the NMM-folders files into it.

All 0kb files switcht into it's normal size, SUM with SkyProcPatcher worked fine again.


Will try the game when it's finished, hope it's running well now.

But i still need help to figure out the sources problem to NMM not be able anymore to create proper folders.

Edited by Mortadella
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You're having a problem with the hard links that NMM creates. The NMM VirtualInstall folder has to be on the same drive as Skyrim is. You originally had them on separate drives and then moved them to the same drive, but it couldn't fix the links. What you should do now:

  1. Disable all mods in NMM (NOT uninstall). I'm not sure if NMM will crash doing this. I've had problems when NMM got confused about stuff. You may have to keep trying until all mods are disabled.
  2. Delete all mods from the Skyrim directory, except SKSE and ENB/ENBoost. See Make Skyrim Vanilla Again.
  3. Enable all mods in NMM in the order that you want. You'll have to do the overwrites all over again. This recreates the proper links.

Edit: If you don't do this, then I'm pretty sure that NMM won't be able to uninstall any of the mods you copied. Also, you'll be taking up twice as much space on your SSD because you made new copies. Your workaround was basically to install all mods manually.

Edited by Grospolina
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Ah ok, that makes sense!

Then i think a clean new installation would be the better solution, because out of a reason i can't find, my Skyrim now keeps crashing to desctop when i try to save the game or when it wants to autosave.

Happens even with all mods deactivated and new .ini files.

Maybe because there got something corrupted in the Data folder.

So many work/fixing/things, i just want to play a necromancer....



Thank you very much!

Edited by Mortadella
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