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Help with completing my mod list?


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Time for an unfortunate downgrade back to GTX 660 due to... damage... to my rig. Thus, I have decided to return to Oldrim.


Now I want to do another hardcore vanilla-esque playthrough, and I need help putting together my mods list. I dusted off an old profile on MO and found a bunch of mods in an unstable playthrough I used to have. (Still have CWO, IIO, DCO, and FIO. Yay!) Can anyone help me make some decisions on how to build my modlist anew?


Here is a list of the core mods I want to build around



Animation & Models:

Creature Size Variants

Dual Sheath Redux

Equipping Overhaul


Schlongs of Skyrim

Windsong Immersive Character Overhaul CBBE


The Dragon Engine or Splendor Dragon Variants?



Better Magic

Morrowloot Ultimate

The Elder Scrolls Tomes

Treebalance by Sushisquid

-I am looking for a Conjuration balance tweak. ERSO has one recommended, but I can't identify the source of a bug in it where the old and worthless tomes do not get converted into actual spell tomes when the necessary perk is learned. Vile Art of Necromancy is so tempting, but based on face value alone, it looks overpowered in comparison to the other magic and skill tree tweaks I want in the game. It also hasn't been updated in forever.

-And I need vampire and werewolf mods that affect both the player and NPCs with their changes. I found some from 2013, but they are a bit incomplete and might need tweaking in CK.


Camera & UI



Important Information Overhaul

I need a good quick menu mod. Dark Souls Quick Menu is nice, but conflicts with Equipping Overhaul style mods. In addition, some of the most frustrating parts of modding I've ever had to go through included fiddling with XP32, FNIS, DSR, and Equipping Overhaul. Should I ditch Equipping Overhaul for Dark Souls Quick Menu, or are there alternatives that will allow me to keep EO?



Attack Commitment

Dual Wield Parrying

The Ultimate Dodge Mod (I still have my Oldrim copy despite the conflict between the mod author and , and I prefer this over TK Dodge due to responsiveness)

-I need a major combat overhaul but I don't know what to pick. I have always used Wildcat, but the locational damage and improved boss battles of Ultimate Combat 3.0 is tempting. On the other hand, Vigor's stamina system is much more realistic than that of Wildcat, but Wildcat's injury system affects both players and NPCs.



Eternal Darkness Redone

Realistic Lighting Overhaul

Realistic Water Too

Relationship Dialogue Overhaul

Sounds of Skyrim (All)

Vivid Weathers



Alternate Start - Live Another Life

Civil War Overhaul

Complete Fast Travel Overhaul

Dragon Combat Overhaul

Dragon Soul Utils (Tailored recipes to suit me since the mod hasn't been updated in a while)

Fire and Ice Overhaul

Horses On Patrol

Lock Overhaul

SkyrimSouls - Unpaused Game Menus

Stranger Danger

RS Children Overhaul

Vanilla Races Redone Reborn





iNeed (At least until Chesko finalizes Last Seed)

Loot & Degradation

Sleep to Gain Experience

I need help picking an animal behavior mod. Realistic Animals and Predators is nice, but the last time I checked, it caused animals to run into water a lot.



Much thanks. :D

Edited by revenant0713
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