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Looking for legal insight RE: a converted model


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I sincerely hope I don't get banned for asking this. A few weeks ago I converted a model from CadNav to a .nif file and rigged it to Oblivion's Slaughterfish skeleton.




That's the URL. It says "personal and commercial use" under the license. However, someone mentioned in my mod's comments that it was the same model used for a Whale Shark in World of Warcraft. I did a bit of googling to research the statement, and...


This is WoW's shark.


This is the Whale Shark on CadNav.


The color scheme doesn't seem to be the same and there's some small differences with the lower gills. I'm trying to figure out if this is a resource someone made based off of WoW's Whale Shark and released, or if it's a directly ripped copy they submitted with a misleading license...


Temporarily removed the download, either way.

Edited by roblesstevena
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