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mouse response


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ok, monday i got my laptop, ive been quite occupied with it playing UT2003 and Halo on it, now, im playing morrowind 1280x1024, and i got some mouse lag, dropped it a bit, and now it doesnt change, its quite annoying whilst testing the things i make with it, is there anything i can do to fix this...even if it involves lowering the draw distance (its at 100%)
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no no no, its not the frame rate, it runs fine, im gettin 23-120 in seyda neen...depends where i look, if more than 6 people are in the screen, around 27, although, if i take shadows off, the mouse remains the same, but shoots up to 34fps, i took off the command Showfps=1 because it caused my game to skip horribly, it runs great, but the mouse is a little trouble, especially since im quick with things.

it wont bother me too much if i cant fix it, but it would help out alot.


but...ill try the fps optimiser, after doom 2 becomes revived (BOOYAH!)

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If you have a mouse that can be either USB or PS2, swap the port that it is currently on. I doubt it could be a driver issue, but you might see if there is a more recent driver if you have a mouse that has software to program the buttons.
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ill look for the new drivers now, but i tried lowering the resolution from 1600x1200 to 1024x768, runs even better, never slows down at all, but the mouse for some reason runs better under 40fps, so ive set that as the maximum fps, and it runs fine now, thanks for your help everyone; this can be locked now
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