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Dragonborn DLC scripts failing to start


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In my game, some of the script events in the Dragonborn DLC will not start.


The most prominent of these is that when I first enter Waking Dreams, Miraak's dragon will not land and prompt Miraak to turn around and continue the quest.


Two other things that I suspect to be related are that Glover Mallory does not have his shadowmark-related dialogue, even though I have completed the Thieve's Guild questline. Also, the farmer in Raven Rock will not sell to me.


I have cleaned everything in TES5 edit, sorted it with LOOT, and generated bashed patches.


I have cleaned my ESMs for the base game and DLC's


I use Mod Organizer.


If anyone could be bothered to help, thank you. If you are having similar issues, post your mod lists. We can compare mods to try and isolate the issue.





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do you have it in the proper load order area

if you don't know what I talking about look up skyrim load order

should look something like this that someone posted

  • Skyrim.esm
  • Update.esm
  • Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
  • Dawnguard.esm
  • Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
  • HearthFires.esm
  • Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
  • Dragonborn.esm
  • Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
  • SkyUI.esp

also if you have Nexus mod manager you need to move them in the plugin page to move them in the game it overrides the games file list in steam. so they will reset back to it load order if you only do it there. If you don't get the unofficial patches the game still works but not as good as it should.

Edited by Staticwhitewolf
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