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oblivion over skyrim


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ok...i want to know what everyone thinks of skyrim and oblivion so for example..the improvments and inprovments (probbly not a real word)...as we all know skyrim has much better graphics so theres not really a point in saying that...you are free to say what you want about both of the games and just for starters ill say...that blade and blunt in oblivion makes much more sense than one handed and two handed in skyrim, for example...you cant just use a claymore as good as a warhammer
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well, oblivion had a more expansive magic system, but skyrim's was more interesting with what it did have, and the levelling system in skyrim is just so much better then oblivions. (BTW, I have skyrim for the 360 and oblivion for the PC, because my graphics card can't quite handle skyrim.)


the combat system is more fun, although not much different.

I like how you can create your own items in skyrim.

I hate how there's no spellmaking system in skyrim, and enchanting is more dumbed down.

the quest variety and NPCs in skyrim are not as good as oblivions.

the main story in skyrim at least has variety, as opposed to close 7 oblivion gates and then close a bigger one.

There are about 3 NPC's in skyrim that you can warm up to, the rest are just empty. in oblivion you have interesting characters.

Skyrim has companions that don't require DLC, which is something I like, but they don't have any depth to them at all.

dual wielding is fun, and at least there is some differences between 2h weapons and 1h weapons.

One thing i liked about oblivion but not skyrim was the fact that NPCs at least had a little knowledge about monsters, and the adventurers in the game behaved like (I think.) adventurers should behave, stopping at inns, drinking, exchanging battle tips and where one might encounter this monster, etc.

For what is largely a jungle nation, cyrodiil didn't really feel like one, even down in leyawiin. hilly areas sort of did, but coastlines and dungeons actually felt like what they were. (sometimes.) Skyrim's areas feel like what they are. (tundra feels like tundra, etc.)

there werent nearly as many puzzles in oblivion. Despite the fact that ancient nords leaving some puzzles behind to stop an adventurer that could slay the inhabitants within makes sense, it is nothing but a pain in the @$S

In both, being a pure mage isn't as effective in the long run as being a warrior or rogue is, as your magic either runs out quickly or tickles the enemy.

For whatever reason, people in the half-jungle nation wear long-sleeved clothing while people in the coldest nation in Tamriel seem to adore short-sleeved armor and clothing. (doesn't make much sense.)

In skyrim, the ability to freeze to death would be realistic. I know there are mods for basic primary needs in both games, but meh.

in skyrim, you don't get enough SHEOGORATH or HASKILL.


that's about all i can think of right now.

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Oblivion was better at masking a lot of what it did wrong with the things it did right. People can say what they will about Oblivion, but it did a better job of balancing its complexities with its more simplistic concepts than Skyrim does. Skyrim's answer for everything is "let's just take it out." They ended up taking so much stuff out that what they ended up with was a game that is immensely enjoyable at first, but quickly loses its staying power and is ultimately inferior to its predecessors in replay value.


I had said this awhile back, but both Morrowind and Oblivion were revolutionary titles for their time, for one reason or another. Skyrim doesn't feel revolutionary in any way. There's nothing in it that's really ground-breaking, nothing that makes you go "oh wow, that's new!" Not even graphically. No matter how much someone may not like Oblivion, they'd at least have to admit that Oblivion was one hell of a good looking game compared to most of its competition at the time. My Morrowind game with some good tweaks and a few visual mods rivals (and in some areas exceeds) the graphics in Skyrim.


Bear in mind this is all just one man's opinion, nothing more.

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no i really respect every ones opinion.


both of you are right and i like you said karasuman about how skyrim was fun at first but then got old is exactly how it was. flipout6 inspired me how he said the quest variety wasent as big as oblivion's.


if you want you can join my other topic to set a point, my other topic is called "skyrim getting boring".


skyrim is also disappointing because of how long it took to make the game. for example. assassins creed came out with two games by the time they made skyrim and assassins creed now come out with those games about a little less than a year so they made those games at a stedy pace.


if bethesda softworks come out with these games sucky every four years;well i guess the elder scrolls series would be runined. im sure there next game will be much better, but i have no clue how the story line is going to go.

Edited by gengar807
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I think that the devs will probably watch the complaints and fix that with extra content. Naturally you would have to pay for your extra content but that's besides the point... Right?


small edit:

The magic word here being DLC of course. Though I think with all the extra content available that the devs will have to offer something substantial if they want to sell it. Aside from TES fans of course.

Edited by kingdark
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well there is to form of answers i can give 1, about the Oblivion i have RIGHT NOW vs skyrim and other is just oblivion vs skyrim:

ok i begin with THE oblivion I got...

right now with allllll the modes i have on oblivion and all edits downloads updates i did for it, Oblivion can EAT skyrim ALIVE, at least for 1 more year until some good mods arrive for skyrim...

but to compare them without mods, well skyrim have same shity problems oblivion had...

1. lack of variety of monsters for skyrim which was same in oblivion, such a big world need much more different mosnters

2. the land looks beautiful in the beginning but after playing for a while its get really boring and same, whole skyrim and oblivion lands maybe have 2-3 different land looks snow and jungle like....

3. combat system in skyrim was much better but still lack the action... with all new rpg games out there today i do expect some more adrenaline full action based battle, correctly elder scroll combat system is nor realistic neither fantasy action

4. in skyrim tomany things are incomplete! dual wield that wield same as 1 wield, wife system that just give u food and money and many others, its like devs said: ok just make it and leave it to modders they will finish it them selfs, this in complete stuffs REALLY disappointed me!! like devs gone to lazy about being creative and left it to modders

5. vampire system is stupid than before, u can hardly call ur self a vampire, i was expecting more vampiric powers and system except just draining blood from ur hand and biting in sleep >.>

6. werewolf system in skyrim was AMAZING both designs and abilities was great!

7. in oblivion u could at least see some different hell like land and lava by oblivion gates which u cant anymore in skyrim

8. new armor making weapong making system was great in skyrim i loved it!

9. armors have a BAD scaling! most of heavy armors make u looks like a short big head gnome.... if they wana talk about realistic, then i should remind them THERE IS a lot of beautiful real armors with real scale that did exist in past

10. dual magic system in skyrim was amazing but little disappointed me when i saw there wont be a different animation if u use 2different elements at same time, i though they added a cool magic system like fable 3,

11. losing the power to create magics was bad idea but nothing that big

12. daragon shouts in skyrim are a really nice future i LOVE lightning storm shout

13. in skyrim after finishing the game u can call a dragon to help! COOL LOVE IT wish i could ride it and rain flame on enemy

14. skyrim weapons are almost same as oblivion.... BORING... the only new future was dual wield, and all weapons almost have same system, 1h and 2h, i wish there was polearms spears chainmace lance...


overall skyrim wasnt much different than oblivion mostly just in graphics, which made it boring for me way to fast, new futures were almost incomplete,


so in end, im back to oblivion!! much much mroe fun in everything with mods, im not a graphic fan, i care about gameplay action and depth above all!!

Edited by ahrimangame
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Hello everybody


I played Skyrim on the xbox, and I played it a lot when it came out.


Man, it looks really good!

Nice animations (dragon flight!), and the npc and monster models are good, too.

Music fits very well and supports the atmosphere of the nordic tundras, mountains and tombs.

The cities look great, their architecture is diverse (Markath) and very "nordic" (Windhelm).

And, omg, the water!



And that's about it - since player level 40+ the game was boring, and no graphics can change a boring game into an exciting one. And you reach level 40 so fast as if someone implemented a cheat mod...


I did every single quest I could find, and after a short time my cannibalistic, but high social ranking (house owner everywhere) dark elf mage-thief werewolf-bard warrior-assassin was at level 50+, had 200k gold, and an improved enchanted daedric bow that one-hit-killed giants, bears and other strong enemies, while easily collecting their souls with a low-level soul trap spell (duration 1-2 seconds; enough if you insta kill almost everything).

High level dragons took only a few arrows.

And dragon shouts... well, I used only one, namely the "detect enemy" thing, which made dungeon exploring even more boring...


Leveling some skills like crafting and enchanting is way too fast (buy leather, make leather helmets, enchant them, sell them back and enjoy rapid skill gain while losing no money)!

Later in the game, making money by just enchanting common low value items like iron daggers with "banish daedra" (a petty soul gem is enough) and selling them for 1k gold was WAY to easy.


Contrary to other posts, I think the melee fighting system has not improved.

It has only changed.

Even Oblivion suffered from indiversity (is that a word?) of fighting skills (blade = long sword = short sword = dagger and 2h = war hammer = claymore = war axe = staff).

And what did Bethesda do to correct it? Reduced skills and thereby fighting options even more. Riiight...

So - missing skills (esp. for combat) is one thing, and the other one is the fights themselves:

Melee combat is boring and frustrating. You don't have real control over your actions. Doing a power attack and hitting something with it is a matter of luck (well, if you miss the enemy you hit your companion at least...);

and there is one annoying thing that also Oblivion did wrong: Blocking (with a shield as well as with weapons) still damages your health instead of fatigue!


Dungeons - may be a little more diverse than vanilla Oblivion, but in the end there's no differende between cleaning the 3rd and the 30th draugr tomb...

Same monsters (Draugr), same puzzles (eagle, bear, dragon, fox, fish, did I forget one?...), same reward (dragon word).


The only improvement beside graphics is the stealth system.

Oblivion lacked it almost completely, Skyim got it well implemented.

That's the one improvement on gameplay and combat that kept me at playing Skyrim as long as I did.


I left Skyrim months ago and came back to (modded) Cyrodiil :rolleyes:

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