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New design constructive feedback


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Please refer to page one, post one of this thread.


Thank you!



Well, as I said before.....IT'S AN EYESTRAIN. Why not just have the live portion of it with the OLD design. Seriously, It's hard to do ANYTHING with this new design. I'd rather have the functions and behind the scenes stuff with the old layout.

Edited by dragnhuntr666
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I prefer the old design. Not just because I'm used to it, but because it was much more compact and efficient. Please give us the option to choose.

How much time have you spent on the new design? I've gotten used to it rather quickly.


And it's not like it's the final version, they aren't finished yet.

Edited by Niborino9409
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I prefer the old design. Not just because I'm used to it, but because it was much more compact and efficient. Please give us the option to choose.

How much time have you spent on the new design? I've gotten used to it rather quickly.


And it's not like it's the final version, they aren't finished yet.


I gave the new design a reasonable shot. Several days. The enlarged graphics just take up space. Perhaps I'm in a minority of users, but I come here solely to find and install mods for games I play. I want to get in, find what I want, and get out. The new design uses a lot more screen real estate to display the same old information. I have to scroll in areas where I did not have to scroll before. This is not a social site for me, and I am uninterested in news about any games I don't play. The old format allowed me to easily ignore what didn't interest me.


I'm a lifetime premium member, and I'm not threatening to leave, or whatever. I just really dislike the new design. Once the old design is unavailable, I'll use the new design because I have no choice. But I won't like it and I won't linger.

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Dark0ne and others have already said that a two-site setup ain't going to happen, the least of the reasons being that it's too expensive. If you would like to kick in $10,000 USD a year in small, unmarked denominations to Robin to pay for maintaining that second website, feel free. I'll even help you by finding a place to send it to.

Robin has a single web designer working on this, and she is undoubtedly working on things right now.

Fact: Website ain't going back to the old.
Fact: Too expensive, not enough personnel.

Fact: Web hosting is expensive.

Fact: Web design outsourcing is expensive.

Fact: Some changes take time to implement as in some cases, you can't just go in and change something without it having a cascade effect and causing other stuff to need to be fixed. Has no one here tried modding Skyrim? Same issues. Install a mod, changes one thing, but suddenly, you find it altered something else completely unexpectedly. I challenge anyone to try using Google Pages correctly their first time with no flaws.

Vortex isn't even out, and so many people are already busy trying to be as vocal as possible in how much they detest the new site on another thread or three, and that wears on people's nerves and saps the will to keep working on something. Do I really need to remind people about how certain celebrity modders left the Nexus after being made the target of abusive posting and constant negativity?

Why not wait until after Vortex comes out to make a decision? Right now, Vortex is the main focus to make sure that goes off without a hitch, and so of course, the website design might take a second chair to that in the meantime.

Edit: Also, is there any way to incorporate a red flag alert on our images in the Manage Images section so that we know when someone comments on our images? That's the one thing that annoyed me with the old site. It doesn't alert you when someone comments on an image you uploaded.

Edited by twowolves80
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I personally dislike the new format for the sight because now it is to hard to figure out how to search for mods. Im just saying that the old page layout/search functions were fine and im sure there were a lot of bugs/issues but isn't there some kind of way that you can fix the issues but not change the sight layout? I had the old main skyrim mod page bookmarked but i couldn't accuses it because of the new changes, and from the looks of it many other people dislike it to for almost the same reason. I get that this new design is still a work in progress but since it still is can something be done to stream line it all, fix the issues but somehow keep the old look and feel? Please?

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Did they take away the option to use the old format today? I know they had the option up, and I'd been using the old one because that's what I prefer, but it now seems to be forcing me to the new layout :/


You can use this for now https://old.nexusmods.com/? it won't be around forever though so it would be worth getting used to the new one.

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My suggestion, the " Drop Down Menus " are very ' touchy ', unlike the old format & log-in.



When I use the Drop Down Menu, if my mouse even slightly gets close to the edge, it closes and then I have to go " Up " - Re-open and such.


At times I am not even close to the edge of the DDW and it will close.


My log-in is every time I leave, I have to re-log in Name & Password, unless I use the old format - and then switch over to the new. Then I do not have to re-log-in.


.. Jj ...

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