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tIDE fireplace help


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I wanted to change the tile source for the farmhouse fireplace to farmhouse_tiles from towninterior so I can have a custom fireplace without it changing the others in town, but even though I add back the Action custom property (value asdf) into the new tiles, the fireplace becomes no longer activatable. The cursor turns into a hand when you hover over it but right clicking no longer turns on or off the fire.


Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong? Here are my steps:


1. Place new tiles on old tile locations

2. Right click, tile properties

3. Click custom properties tab

4. Right click under "Name" in first table box, type "Action"

5. Right click under "Value", type "asdf"

6. Click off that line of the table

7. Click apply

8. Grab farmhouse.tbin, farmhouse.yaml, farmhouse_tiles.png and farmhouse_tiles.yaml and repack them

9. Replace farmhouse.xnb and farmhouse_tiles.xnb in the game files

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