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Today I started Dragonborn quest. Everything went great, until I reached Nchardak. In the workshop I had one cube pedestal, with which I couldn't interact (like it wasn't there - no put cube on option). After that I disabled grid, that was between me and cube that I needed to pick up in workshop to continue quest. After reaching door to Aqueduct, I have a same problem (can't interact with cube pedestal). The problem is, no matter what I do, I can't continue quest since this pedestal opens a door to another cell (in this case aqueduct). I tried to load my previous save, but I'm having the same problem. After reaching the cube pedestal to aqueduct, I cant interact with it - so with that I can't open door to aqueduct and continue my quest. I tried even disable grid, that protects the dor and unlock the door with console command, but this doesn't work. So I need help, how can I continue quest.

I have done this quest many times before, but didn't have this kind of problems before.

Edited by Kiki981
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