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Fallout 4 VR: locomotion; also, Vive Tracker support


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(I'm not quite sure I'm in the right spot, but I didn't see a distinct VR forum for Fallout 4, and rumor has it that many Fallout 4 mods may be compatible with Fallout 4 VR, so posting this here seems logical to me... Also, apologies if these requests have already been made; I didn't get any search results when I checked.)




Bethesda is supposed to be including multiple locomotion options in Fallout 4 VR. The two I've heard "confirmed" thus far are teleportation and trackpad. Possibly there will be others.

But in case there aren't, can someone please plan to add a mod that will allow the ArmSwinger and Freedom Locomotion systems to work in the game?



I'm a big believer in having options. What works well for one person doesn't necessarily work well for someone else, especially when it comes to matters involving motion sickness. Teleporting across the wasteland doesn't sound very immersive or fun to me in an open-world game, and "skating" or "floating" with a trackpad will probably have me queasy within minutes. Also, I happen to like the ArmSwinger system a lot, as swinging my arms does a pretty good job of fooling my vestibular system by faking the feeling of acceleration (for me, I kind of feel it in my chest). I prefer using VR standing up, as many do, and I have a Vive and use room-scale. I also have a TPCast now so being wireless gives me a much more immersive, free-moving experience. I feel like I'd be making the most of all that using ArmSwinger to actually move in-game.



My hope is to use ArmSwinger in tandem with the new Vive Tracker. I plan to mount the tracker on my belt, and use hip direction to indicate movement direction, assuming movement direction will be allowed to be decoupled from head direction. Could someone also add Vive Tracker support to the game if Bethesda doesn't?


Thank you for your time!

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I'd like to follow up with news that pottedmeat7 over on the Steam boards has a Kickstarter going to add functionality to OpenVR for more natural movement options with Fallout 4 VR and other games: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/121765932/openvr-walkinplace/posts/2070623


I've backed him, and hopefully more people will too. He's not asking for much, just enough to get a Vive Tracker and some other odds and ends so he can test and program for them.

Edited by SpiderJerusalem
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