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[LE] Looking to force 1st person during dialogue


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I really like 3rd person, but you can't really see anything 1st person like the person talking too well, I could manually go 1st person but feels wierd and sometimes dialogue is forced. Would it be possible to make a simple script that forces 1st person durung dialogue for Xbox one? I was thinking maybe something about the read elder scroll script?. If so I want to put it on an enchantment to put on a ring so it's toggle able.


Walk up to someone 1st person at dialogue back to 3rd when dialogue is over.

Edited by thelawfull
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Based on my digging through the CK wiki, there is no Xbox-compatible way to detect when the player initiates dialogue with an NPC. There are functions to force the player into one camera mode or the other, and a condition for checking the current camera mode, but if you can't detect dialogue, then those are worthless to you.

Edited by DavidJCobb
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