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Please Port "Bobble Girl With Slooty Vault Suit" to XB1 (again?)


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Hello. I'm new here, and do not know if this is the proper place to put this - But this is a mod request forum so I'm assuming so.


Continuing on, I play fallout 4 on Xbox One with mods - Due to the fact that I cannot afford a computer powerful enough to run fallout 4 smoothly as of this time.


I'm requesting that someone (anyone, it doesn't have to be the author) port this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8469/ over to Xbox One, (with the brown hair color??) Please, I had to wipe my mods due to ghost space and would really like to have this one back. QuQ


Someone already done it a while back, but they took it down for some reason. Btw, in the description of the mod, The author has provided full permission for someone to re-upload/edit their mod as long as you give them credit.


I would do it myself, but I don't know anything whatsoever about modding.


I would greatly apprectiate if someone could take the time to do this. Thank you for your time and consideration:)

Edited by LostRose0
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