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Translation Problems/Problemas de traduccion


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tengo la siguiente lista de mods instalados y no se cual, me cambia el idioma a ingles de las armas y armaduras.
-AE v3.31 y el parche All DLC v3.3
-Concealed Armor
(yo pienso que es alguno de estos 3)
-Darker Nights
-Enhanced Lights and FX
-Full dialogue
-Lowered Weapons
-No more cash register sound
-pip-boy flashlight
-Quieter settlements
-True Storm y su parch
-Visble weapons 3rd person holster
I have the following list of mods installed and I do not know what changed the language to English of weapons and armor. im play in spanish.
-AE v3.31 and the All DLC v3.3 patch
-Concealed Armor
(I think it's one of these 3 are the problem)
-Darker Nights
-Enhanced Lights and FX
-Full dialogue
-Lowered Weapons
-No more cash register sound
-pip-boy flashlight
-Quieter settlements
-True Storm and his patch
-Visible weapons 3rd person holster


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