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Papyrus log error msg assistance


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Hi gurus,


I keep coming across an issue with a mod Im working on where the logs show the error below for some global variables I have in a script. I believe it is because there are too many declarations in the scripts on the mod (I honestly believe it is too big) but I cannot seem to find any documentation about errors in papyrus at run-time in game. If anyone know what this is and how to fix it, that would be golden! Thanks!

[12/01/2017 - 02:10:18PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp0"
stack: [None].GlobalVariable.GetValueInt() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\GlobalVariable.psc" Line 11
[<nullptr alias> (0) on <nullptr quest>



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The function .GetValueInt() has isuess, try the standard float call cast to int: pVar.GetValue() as Int


Great suggestion and I went in to my scripts and changed ALL getvalueint's to getvalue() as int. Sadly, the error messages are still showing the logs. I believe the ESP is fried - its like it is losing the script properties of variables I can clearly see as SET in the script properties and they also show correctly set in FO4Edit. It just seems the VM for my mod is losing properties for some reason. But then, this could be a function of me having five scripts and possibly 40 globals in use between them.


Even more interesting though is that since my mod started throwing these errors and not assigning gets / sets to globals, other mods I have installed are now showing the same thing, where they did not before. I am considering that perhaps its not so much the ESP I am working on but perhaps my installation of FO4...


Could you show us the globalvariable script? It might make it easier to diagnose.


It is anything in my script where a global is called for a get / set.


ie, this one continually throws the error into papyrus:


If (AwakeHours.getvalue() as int) <= 8 && (Fatigue.getvalue() as int) == 1




Its unassigning AwakeHours in properties and calling it a NULL Pointer. And as I said above, script properties are set and I can see that in CK and FO4Edit. I even went as far as unassigning the property, deleting the global and creating a new one with a different formID. Remapped properties, all to no avail - still shows a null pointer error in logs, as I showed in my first post.

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And pouring through the log again just now, I see its not just globals affected - even something as simple as playing a sound are affected now too...


[12/02/2017 - 11:07:40AM] error: Unable to call play - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type stack: [None].Sound.play() - "<native>" Line ? [<nullptr alias> (0) on <nullptr quest> (00000000)].RSE_Player_Main.OnHit() - "C:\Users\Joer\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\RSE_Player_Main.psc" Line 764


I am strongly considering abandoning this ESP and making a new one - recreating all variables, sound descriptors, etc... load of work, but maybe the only way to see where the problem really lies...

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You are running each time from a clean savegame that has never had that mod/esp attached ? I know its 101, but worth asking ...

You hit the nail on the head ... stupid me. I was using a test save but it appears the save is botched. I just ran the mod on a save that has never had it running before and I have NO errors now. So, as rudimentary as it should be, I overlooked ONE key thing in my testing cycle. And its always the simplest things that trip us up... of course, I want to play for a good 5-10 mins to be sure, but from a 1 minute play log, no errors. Where on my botched test save, I would have 100s of errors in 1 min of play...

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