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Help with Nifskope (Power Armor HUD)

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I'd like to edit the PADashDials01.nif (in objects directory) in a way, that i have no HUD elements of any kind in 3rd person, including the shade effect.

I was looking at a mod that did something like that but had other things implemented - No Transparency - Version 4 Classic / No Lens - the HUD in itself should still be "vanilla" in 1st perspective.


So i was comparing the files, starting with the shade effect, that can easily be found (in the vanilla file) since they are the very end - one covers the upper screen, the other one covers the bottom.

I really don't see properties here that tell me when this is shown in 1st or 3rd (deleting these blocks delete the whole shade effect completely) - and compared with the mod file, the author has them at entirely different positions (re-added?) but i cant understand the purpose.

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