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Another "Realistic Visuals" Question/Topic


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Hey Guys,


This is my first time posting here because I just can't seem to find the answers I'm looking for. I've spent a great deal of time searching the site trying a combination of mods and looking for the best combination to fit my needs. I'm very curious to hear your guys' expert opinions to help guide me to where I want to be with my Skyrim Install. Here it goes!


I'm looking to create a realistic, immersive experience like many others have sought to do. The core mods I'm currently using to get me close to where I want are the HD 2K Textures Mod, SMIM, ELFX, and Realistic Waters 2. I'm thinking of adding the parallax mod to improve ground textures but have no idea how it might affect the other mods, given it's a manual install. I've used a few other mods but these are the ones that have made the biggest impact. I should note I'm using NMM to manage my mods.


I have yet to include a weather mod and am stuck between choosing the often suggested Climates of Tamriel and Vivid Weather. I'm leaning toward CoT but I'm trying to stick with more realistic skies. Despite being a fantasy game, I don't like the fantasy-type skies CoT includes and ideally would like to know how to replace them either with another mod or deleting those images from the mod.


Almost everything seems to look OK except for distant objects and mountains. Everything near me looks pretty darn good except the sharpness of distant objects and mountains which just look unnatural. Does anyone have any suggestion for making them look well blended with the immediate surroundings like I've seen in so many other pictures and videos?


Another thing I've been rather choosy about are the FX improved by ENB. I've already tried two different presets but just don't like the depth of field (I think that's the correct term...) of either of the two I've tried and don't know how to change it. I've tried both Rudy's and OrganicENB but don't like how when you look up, the transition of focus is very abrupt. For example if you look up, the sky/mountains are blurred but if you look down and up real quick it quickly becomes sharp but I don't know why. It constantly messes with my head as I traverse the world and I'd love to disable that effect if possible.


Keeping on the topic of ENB's I wouldn't mind only using the ENBSeries without a specific preset but when I tried, I didn't seem to notice any visual improvements at all. I feel like I may not have installed it properly because the steps for ENB Series, ENBoost and the ENB Helper confused me a bit.


I know this is rather lengthy already but one last thing I'm looking to do once I get the visuals sorted out is to add the Realistic Needs and Disease and Frostfall mods. Would those mods prove incompatible with the combination of mods I've described? If I go ahead and install them but decide I didn't like the added realism as much as I thought I would and decide to uninstall them, would it cause an issue with my game saves having already used them?


Thanks for sticking with me throughout this novel of a post but as you can see I'm pretty particular about the visuals and would love to get to a state that makes me want to get lost in Skyrim again having lost interest in the modless version.


Thanks ahead of time for your comments!





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