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What are the different characteristics of Skyrim races?


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I'm sure it's easy to find on skyrim wiki but today skyrim wiki isn't showing anything because of the SOPA and PIPA thing, and I'm on a school network so official sites for skyrim are blocked. Could you either copy and paste characteristics from an official site or think of them off of the top of your head? It would be very helpful, thanks.
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If you want to take stats into consideration for your character, then Orsimer are extremely overpowered, with a Berserk daily power that allows them to deal double damage while only taking half of damage themselves. Not sure if this applies to magic as well.


Other than that, Dunmer have Fire Resist and Nords have Frost Resist, both useful for dragon and mage fights. Redguards have Poison resistance and Adrenaline Rush power, and as for the rest, I don't remember.


But the wiki works just fine: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Orc

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