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Torturing guards in-game


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Li'l Story that happened to me.

I made a mod to make a player real powerfull so i could use him to test my Qwest mods without haveing to use my own PC. So The charecter starts with nothing (not even clothes) but You tolk to this giy who gives you tons of money and boosts your stats through the roof. or thats what I thought. As it terns out my script went on a loop but the GetItem dident werk. So the furst time I test It I end Up with no Gold BUT my stats just keep going up.


What do you do when you have god like power but no clothes in the middel of Seyda Neen. Well you start beeting peaple down with your fist and steeling there stuff...RIGHT!!


Playing as a naked Nord who can punch guards out cold is fun!!!

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Here's an idea for a mod so good, you'll probably weep. Take a group of 20-30 guards, strip them down to their undies and throw em' all into a crowded room with no outlets. Then you can throw Fargoth in with them as well cause, well, you know Fargoth wouldn't mind being in that situation, you Thief of Hearts you :rolleyes:


Then you take a pack of Rabid Ogrims, (can't say I've ever seen a pack of Ogrims, but this is a mod for crissakes, we'll make it happen!) and throw them into the the crowded room and watch the hilarity ensue. Make sure you dowload the GORE 2.0 plugin for a jolly good laugh. Maybe throw in a script for Fargoth that prints out on the screen, "Fargoth has wet himself" right before the naked mob tramples over him in an effort to esacpe the pandemonium. The only weakness of this mod lies in it's utter lack of story, interactivity, and any attempt at establishing growth in the individual who partakes in it. It will probably also lower their IQ every time they view the event, and view it many times they will, each viewing sweeter than the last.

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