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Ghostwolf travel


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Hello (sorry if this is a bit long)


I know everyone is waiting for horse combat to be implemented into Skyrim. I am also exhausted from having to dismount and then watch as my horse flees from enemies every time I stop for some action - the most annoying being when a horse flees from one enemy only to aggro another enemy, leading to your horse running even further away. I use the "NoFastTravel" mod so having a horse is pretty much a necessity. I think what would work as an alternative to horseback would be the ability to cast a spell, (maybe put spell in Alteration tree) transforming you into a ghost wolf - or a "familiar" similar to the shaman ability in World of Warcraft. It doesn't even have to be a wolf. Maybe a spectral sabrecat. Then you wouldn't have to deal with a horse at all - parking it away from enemies and danger so it doesn't stray off. Engaging in combat would be more streamlined. There are many directions I can see this mod going in. The key point, at least for me, is transportation - leaving combat to be dealt with on your own trusty legs. As much as I know I will enjoy horse combat when it comes, the option to be your own mode of transportation and get right into battle could also work to its advantages. Also I don't think that horse combat will equate to everyone staying on their horse 100% of the time for every encounter even if all weapons and spells are usable on horseback. Whereas horse combat would enable you speed and "kiting" techniques with ranged spells and bows, there might be situations when you need the maneuverability and accuracy of being on foot during combat, and dismounting your horse during combat will lead to annoyances mentioned above. There's more ideas that I would pitch in if someone finds this concept worth their time. Thank you to anyone who might be interested.

Edited by Doomsauce
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I love this idea..


I would prefer it to be a spell, so you can do it on the fly.


It would have to have lore friendly advantages like, "20-40% speed increase" and allow you to TAKE damage but only DEAL damage if you transform out of it.


Transformation animations could be made too - I Imagine some nice electric blue ethereal wisps circulatin the body as you morph into this animal, Underneath you would be broken earth (or some sort of blue electricity like when electric spells hit a wall - that kind of effect but on the ground).


I really think you've found something :D




Here are some screenshots of how I imagine this mod to be.


I know some of these images are from WoW. Haters gon Hate.













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