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No common parent for all actors?


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I just recently completed the rudimentary tutorials on scripting, and was thrilled that there was inheritance and objects. But when I got in to the creation kit I was equally disappointed that there was no common parent that all actors extended from. Well I couldn't find one at least. What I want to do is listen to the onDeath event on all actors in the game, is there a way to do this without going through every NPC_ object in the kit? Is there a common path where I can intercept these events?



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"listen to"? as in the dialog? that's in a quest somewhere (probably a quest prefixed with "dialog") and has nothing to do with the actual actor.


or do you mean the even for "onDeath" for any actor? The story manager "Kill Actor Event" is what you're probably after in that case. http://www.creationkit.com/Kill_Actor_Event This will let you 'listen' for the type of death event you're looking for, wherever it happens, and start a quest (it can be a hidden quest, just to make some actions happen) to handle it.


Also, Actor is a form, it's got it's base form, and Actor references are made from that, It also acts as an object reference and a couple other things, the base object has it's actor base script and individual actors/references have their actor script. Other than that I'm not sure what you're wondering about a 'Parent Object'


Hope that helps. If one of these is what you're looking for see if you can figure out your specific question and we can help you out :D


Edit: ooh from the first sentence I just realized you are probably a programmer at some level? yeah papyrus is actually pretty cool for a video game scripting language. You can treat tons of stuff as completely object oriented. Some of it is kinda like the 'strict' or whatever version of some other languages too, as you have to declare every single thing you do and make it local or the compiler will cry at you. You can basically make (pretty limited) custom classes that behave as the object they're attached to. Any script you make, can, if done right, become it's own class data type more or less.

Edited by SinderionsBones
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Thanks for the response. What you said about forms maybe what I'm after. I want to build a mod that listens to all onDeath events. Be that as part of a quest or some random encounter in the world. If I kill a fox I want to know, or whatever creature, monster, npc. Essentially I want to add a custom onDeath event to all killable references. Is that possible? So far I've been adding my script to thing like Lvlcreatureplains or the like but that only captures a subset of what I want.



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