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Vanilla Script Help


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So I'm making changes to the Lead Belly Perk. I'd like rank 2 to allow extra meat from animal kills, which is currently attached to the Wasteland Survival Guide Mag 9. I know a script activates the Global to allow the extra meat, but I don't know how to attach the script to the Lead Belly Perk, rather than the magazine. (I know nothing about scripting)


Is this something relatively easy to do? Does anyone know how I would go about it?

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I have now created a new quest and added a script to it, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. Have I missed something important from the script?


;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment
Scriptname SurvivalistScript Extends Quest Hidden Const

;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_Stage_0100_Item_00
Function Fragment_Stage_0100_Item_00()

;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment

GlobalVariable Property ExtraMeatChance Auto Const


Any help would be appreciated.

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I have now created a new quest and added a script to it, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. Have I missed something important from the script?


;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment

Scriptname SurvivalistScript Extends Quest Hidden Const


;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_Stage_0100_Item_00

Function Fragment_Stage_0100_Item_00()







;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment


GlobalVariable Property ExtraMeatChance Auto Const


Any help would be appreciated.


This is a fragment, and all it is doing is setting the value of the global variable "extrameatchance" to 0. Im sure if you get to this point in your testing and then open the console up and type "getglobalvalue ExtraMeatChance" the result will be 0.00. Thats all this code snippet does... and if the result IS 0.00, then it is working exactly as you coded it. But here's the question... which stage did you set this fragment on? And do you ever in your main script or in dialogue set stage to this fragment stage? IE: in a playerREF script, do you 'QuestName.setstage(xx)' to set to the stage where the fragment in? If not, this is why you see nothing...

Edited by joerqc
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This is probably a triggering issue - what action or activity should trigger your script that sets the global ? A good bet would be to register your script to watch for a remote event of the mag being read like this (not guaranteed code, may need tweaks);

ObjectReference Property pPlayerRef Auto Const Mandatory
Book Property pPerkMagWastelandSurvivalGuide09 Auto Const Mandatory

Event OnQuestInit()
   RegisterForRemoteEvent(pPerkMagWastelandSurvivalGuide09, "OnActivate")

Event Book.OnActivate(Book akSender, ObjectReference akActionRef)
   If akSender == pPerkMagWastelandSurvivalGuide09 && akActionRef == pPlayerRef  
     ; do your stuff 
      GetOwningQuest().Stop() ; do cleanup the quest when done 
Edited by SKK50
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