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Light rotation - klaxon light

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I also found something else with the KlaxonLightPackIn


If you already loaded your mod on Fallout and went in the cell with the klaxon light and you save. If you add other KlaxonLighPackIn you will have to delete the save and reload from a save without the mod launched. If you don't do this, sometimes the lights won't turn on.

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A thought on that "already loaded" issue. Would it be possible to force that activity by way of script just to be sure? I've made a few mistakes with some of my mods that required an update which wouldn't take effect if the cells in question had already loaded and certain objects were fixed in place due to data in saves and I'm always looking out for issues like this. Most of the time, when I have to move something that isn't relatively unimportant, I can just delete it and place another (making sure to reset property values referring to the deleted reference when needed.)

Just thought I'd ask since the issue came up.

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