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Modular PoS Riverwood Patch/Mod (People of Skyrim Classic Edition)


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I recently installed the updated v7.0.9 of People of Skyrim - Complete Classic Version.


I love the changes it so far has made and the additional trees it adds to Riverwood HOWEVER I dislike the other changes to Riverwood it makes, most notably the entrances (where you first see the mill/coming from Falkreath direction). I've always loved how lush and foresty Riverwood was and I'm saddened that the mod has stripped it bare.


Is there anyway someone could edit the mod and upload a modular version where users can decide what changes they would like/wouldn't like like many of the other city overhaul mods out there? I think the user of the original mod hasn't got the time themselves to do such a version, but perhaps a modder out there wants to take the challenge? :)

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