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Far Cry

Couple modding questions...


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1) I recently reinstalled FC3 and started using MrPingy's FarCry 3 Rebalanced mod. It's an awesome mod. The only thing I'm not too crazy about is the suppressor effectiveness range. I am trying to figure out how to set that back to vanilla. I've looked through the entitylibrary/Weapon Properties files as well as others but havent been able to find what file determines the suppressor effectiveness. Can someone point me in the right direction with this?


^^^Just decided that its not too big a deal and just gonna go with it


2) The loot item list in the shoppingitems.lib: The majority of the loot items are just listed as 'Pirate 1', 'Merc 10' and so on. does anyone have a reference to what these items refer to or something in the files that tells what the item is?


Thank you

Edited by blackhand8657
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