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Request for script help


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So I have this child script attached to a quest and the form list has xmarkers with unique IDs. With debugs, I can see that everything runs correctly up until its time to send player to a specific marker from the form list. All properties are correct and the marker is placed in another cell. The only lead I can find is that the marker is not persistent in regards to the function. If this is the only thing keeping the script from teleporting the player what can I do to fix that?
Scriptname DrmGatePortChild extends DrmGatePortMaster
FormList Property DGPLocations Auto
Function GoDungChild (int iQuestStage)
int iIndex = DGPLocations.GetSize()
Actor PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer()
if iQuestStage == 111
PlayerRef.MoveTo(DGPLocations.GetAt(0) as ObjectReference); this is where it stops functioning
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