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Mod to call follower


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Hi, i have searched the mods but cant find a mod that will call my follower (no matter the follower) to myself. I play Fallout 4 and there is a companion whistle I use that does this in that game. This game is much worse and the followers almost always are who knows where. So a whistle, or some other option to call your follower to you is essential. Anyone know of an SE mod like this?

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Depends on how in-depth you want to go, or if you want a personality follower vs a generic follower. Inigo (popular khajiit follower) comes with a whistle, to summon him. If you prefer more control over generics, look for Amazing Follower Tweaks, or one like it (Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks-new but different, Extensible Follower Framework, etc.) I use the good old trust AFT, and there's a setting called "tweak commands" where you can summon all your followers to you at once. You can also relax them, order them to stop all activity (will even ignore combat), go into stealth, get out of your way, etc. Very helpful mod, even if you don't want multiple followers.

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Thanks, I am just looking to call my current follower. These are just vanilla in game standard people like Lydia... I know it might be possible because I just downloaded another mod that has a whistle for your horse so that you can call it to you. I will try Amazing Follower Tweaks though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It was a bit of work to maintain, but I just created a bunch of batch files to move my follower to me.


I named them names of my follower, then just used that console command to execute the batch.


For example;


in the console I would type;

bat lydia.txt


which runs this;


; teleports lydia to me
prid 000A2C94
moveto player
You just have to look up their ref id's.
best of luck!
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