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Stealthy pet rat that can sit on your shoulder


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Would be beyond cool to have a rat follower with an option to have it sit on my thief character's shoulder. Unfortunately i don't know anything about modding..


So if anyone wants to help me, i'd be super grateful.


Some features i'd love for it to have:

â¢Doesn't affect stealth

â¢Can carry lot of the stuff i've stolen (not very immersive for a rat to haul a bunch of loot with it but i can live with that

â¢A cool name like Remy, Echo, Kali or Zero or something like that

â¢An option for it to sit on my shoulder or to have it on my character some other way so i wont loose it in the tall grass all the time

â¢An option to set my house as it's home

â¢A way to summon it or a map marker for it incase i loose it for some reason

â¢Can be used with other followers/pets 'cause sometimes it's nice to have company


Hopefully this isn't too complicated and i explained well enough what i want.


And sorry for my bad english, it's not my first language.

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