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Is my creation kit loosing the plot


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I have building up the latest version of my mod, but for some reason now! one of my new sets of armour that was working perfectly is now causing CTD when trying to equip it not only that but a

but a custom monster that i could spawn also now causes the same issue . these were both working fine untill i tried to pack the files for testing the bsa as things were missing before.

The armour still shows up in ck RENDER WINDOW and everything looks fine , and i have even remade the nilf incase it had gotten corrupted but it still crashes the game???????????.

so i replaced a vanilla set to test it out & guess what its working just fine so i am @ a total loss here .


oh the custom monster that was previously showing up in the ck render window wont even do that any more either. AND I HAVE NOT TOUTCHED IT @ ALL.


This is really frustrating the hell outta me :((.

Edited by AlphaWoIF
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Did you by any chance install the Skyrim Beta 1.5 ?

The CK isn't compatible with that yet.

NO i dont belive i have , but i did get the monster working again in the render window :)) but am still on the armour but 50% is better than nothing.

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