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LIP file any alternative to CreationKit32.exe ?


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My CreationKit32.exe 1.5.307.0 will not show quest tabs relating to dialogue to generate LIP files, with constant warnings:


QUESTS: Failed to create tab window.


Tried command line -GenerateLips:%1 as well, just crashes before it gets to the missing LIPs.


Are there any other methods ?



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I assume you have difficulties running it with the command line because you do it wrong. Thing is... lets discuss that method. Once you're good with it you can re-do all of the lips and generate new ones in no time.

Here is how you do it properly in 5 simple steps like a BOSS:

Step 0. Check that you have a FonixData.cdf in


It is key to generating anyting at all... Must been shipped with the game, but if there isn't then update the game with CK or download it from the internet or just take it from Skyrim.


Step 1. CK 32bit only works with .esm files. First of all you wanna convert your plugin file into master (.esp to .esm). It can be easily done in lots of programs, I personally prefere TES4Gecko. It was made initially for Oblivion, but hey, who the fork cares, right? .esp ramains .esp no matter what game you put it into. After conversion you will find both .esp and .esm in your DATA folder. (Alternative: convert it using xEdit). Moving on.

Step 2. You don't want to have spaces in the path to your game folder. Rename it for now so that the path would look like this:


Step 3. Place CreationKit32.exe, GFSDK_GodraysLib.Win32.dll and ssce5532.dll from


folder to the base directory (Fallout_4). You can leave it there, it won't interfere with the main version of CK.

Step 4. Open up Command line and type in:

D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout_4\CreationKit32.exe -GenerateLips:TheNameOfYourMod.esm

Note that your navigation to the game folder and the part before ".esm" may/will vary for you. This will open up CK32 and do the trick. It might freeze eventually but after the job is done. If you see .lip files appeared in the proper folder you can kill the task.


Step 5. Profit. Congratulations, now you have fully functioning lip-sync. Don't forget to restore the folder name back to Fallout 4.

Edited by werr92
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Thanks, but both interactive UI and my own command line batchfiles have worked fine up to a couple of weeks ago with .esp files that have not changed.


Has support for .esp files been dropped in the last couple of weeks ?

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I don't know, doubt it. Just got used to work with esm in such cases since Skyrim. I'm thinking... well if your CK can't open up windows correctly, maybe there is a version problem. I mean Beth has updated CK64bit, but have they updated the 32 bit version of it? First thing you can try is to re-install CK.

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