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Blades vs Thalmor


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Are you talking about the youtube videos, where they have a bunch of them vs each other, in a field? I don't recall a mod for it, but a lot of people like to play like that with console commands. What you do is make a hard save, first.


Go somewhere with enough room and no guards, open your console and type, for example



help thalmor


then use page up/page down to scroll the list until you see what kind of thalmor you want. Get the console ID of whichever type(s) you want to place, then type


player.placeatme (console ID without parentheses) (quantity without parentheses) (ie: player.placeatme abc123 100 would put 100 of whatever came with that made up console id abc123)


Then do the same for blades, or graybeards, or whatever, as long as they're normally hostile to each other. You can mix and match teams, if you want, like 10 thalmor wizards and 40 thalmor justiciars, whatever you like.


Once you have your teams placed, before you close console, type





which will put you in God mode, so you don't die, and will toggle your free camera, so you can fly around the battlefield like they did. If you used tfc 1 instead, you'd do the same, but the action would stop.

When you close console, it begins. (Unless, like me, you've screwed up and placed non-hostile entities together. Then everybody just stands around and you have to reload your save and start again.)


When done, reopen console, type tfc and tgm again, to return you to normal mode and quit, without saving. (I've had problems before, if I quit while in tfc mode, so I always return to normal first, now.)


Guards and bandits, guards and dragons, draugr and adventurers, also good fun and good screenshots.

Edited by thumbincubation
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Hey :), I *Did see and Ad for a Mod. It described searching for old/ancient Blades artifacts and Discovering *What the Thalmor are secretly doing in Skyrim, plus why they hunted the Blades. When I tried to follow that link back here (Nexus Mods) the page I found said that mod was Hidden and wont be displayed until released by the creator.

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Ok, so it's what I thought (Bahhhh..) . Anyway Thanks; Moving on to the Thalmor after the Dragon crisis has *Lowered (With Paarthurnax alive) is my plan and this woulda been great Until I'm more familure with the CK and Tes5Edit.

*"Recruit more Blades - Skyhaven Temple Enhanced.

This mod allows the Player to recruit 30 followers to become a Blade, and Includes "The Blades vs Thalmor" quests. Recovery of lost Blade relics to help return the Blades to their former glory. Allows it so Paarthurnax does not have to die and more."

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