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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Shadow nodded "James!"


"Already on it Sir. We'll be at the Shrike abyssal in an hour and a half."


Shadow smiled, and stepped out of the shuttle, and onto his ship. It was always nice being back home after a mission. Walking up to the elevator he spoke some words with the armory officer, who agreed to give the newcomers a tour. "I'll be in sickbay if you need me." he told the three, taking the elevator up

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(OOC: Umm, Shadow, do you think you could control the armory officer, have him start the tour? Because it seems like no one knows how to keep it going with this unless someone takes over the armory officer)


(BIC) Domenic found a small ice cave and hid in it, he knew that the Cerberus sensors would pick him up soon, but he needed to rest for a moment. He opened his omni-tool scanner to monitor the Hammerheads' positions, it was about twenty minutes before he saw them began to close in on his position. It was time to get moving, he climbed out of the cave, activated the mass effect field generator and ignited his jetpack to fly up the hill nearby.

Edited by leirynot
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Noah stepped out of the shuttle and felt a brief moment of dizziness, he put his hand against the shuttle to steady himself. As the moment passed, he shook his head and continued, the dizziness was gone, but was replaced by a headache.


((OOC: To all the guest readers of this RP (I know there are at least 4) feel free to make an account and join in, make your character sheet in this thread, then join in at any time. Also, here are some tips for RPing))

Edited by leirynot
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Shadow, having left to the CIC made preparations for departure, leaving the group alone with the armory officer "So, since engineering is the closest deck to us, why don't we start there?" he asked holding out his hand for th others to enter the elevator first "I'm sure the two of you will find a nice home in the core area." he finished, the statement directed at the quarians, knowing their affinity for engineering.
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Noah joined them in the elevator, not saying anything, he just stared blankly at the wall, something was distracting him, making it hard to think, not just the headache, he couldn't figure out what it was.
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